Faire Des Mondes / Creating worlds
Within the official program of the France/Korea cultural year 2015-16, I've been invited to be a part of the group exhibition Faire des mondes/Greating worlds curated by Françoise Docquiert and Marianne Derrien. The selected artists were Bertille Bak, Romain Bernini, Elika Hedayat and Rémy Yadan. The exhibition has been first presented at the National Museum of Kyungpook university in Daegu and afterwards at Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art , in Gyeongju , where I also made a mural painting.
hated ur absurd so-called sketches!
play gain buddy, play again!
درهرحال اميدوارم پوياتر بشيد در نگاهتون به زندگي
تشكر ويژه خودم رو از فيلم زيباي لاكوسشن تقديم ميكنم. لطفا اگر خبرنامه اي شخصي داريد درصورت ساخت فيلمهاي جديد يه ايميل كوچيك بهم بديد. بي نهايت منتظر كارهاي جديدتون هستم. موفق و پيروز و سربلند باشيد
يا حق
email: off_ir@yahoo.com